🚀How KOL helps LIBERA?

Libera Financial
2 min readMar 6, 2023

A. Great LIBERA Buying pressure

1. KOL will be used as a LP farming token on many DEXes on many chains, for example KOL-BNB LP for farming on Thena.fi,

2. When people see the high farming APR, they tend to buy KOL to create LP with BNB → KOL price will increase.

3. Seeing the price difference between KOL and LIBERA, for example 25%, people will buy LIBERA at 10% fee and swap to KOL on our swap-portal with a 10% fee → they get 5% benefit.

4. If they buy in big amounts, the slippage will make the price even higher for KOL, that will incentivize people to buy LIBERA and swap LIBERA to KOL as LIBERA’s liquidity is deeper than KOL’s liquidity.

5. Therefore, the higher the price of KOL, naturally the bigger the buy pressure on LIBERA, the higher the price for LIBERA.

B. Aggressive Burning for LIBERA

1. When people swap LIBERA to KOL on our portal, 10% of the LIBERA amount will be burned immediately, and they can not swap back to LIBERA.

2. KOL is an aggressive burning token, with 1% buy, 2.5% sell & transfer burned each transaction. As KOL is a high APR farming token on multichain, it will be transacted a lot by buying, LPing, selling, transferring. With all of these transactions, a lot of KOL will be burned.

3. When a KOL is burned, the LIBERA inside it is burned and gone forever. This means LIBERA will be much more scarce.

4. Because LIBERA is a limited supply deflationary token (unlike LIBERO), so the scarcer LIBERA is, the better its price will be.

C. Increase Libera Bank’s stakers rewards

1. KOL is expected to create much higher volume because it will be a high APR farming token

2. 25% of KOL transactions fee will be distributed to LIBERA’s Bank stakers in the form of BNB, BTC, ETH…

3. As a result, the launch and success of KOL will be a Big win for Libera Bank’s stakers.



Libera Financial

Libera — The world’s first Triple passive income & Hyper Deflationary token listed on Centralized Exchanges (CEXes)